Indian Transformation

Amazing Indian Transformation By AnExtraRep

Indian transformation is a program specially created for Indians. People who are looking to transform their physique. Indian transformation is the success stories of Indian who have achieved inspiring changes in their physique.

Whether it is weight loss or physical appearance, these people has achieved unbelievable results. Their transformation reflects their hard work, passion, determination and never giving up attitude.

Meet Your Coach

I am Aditya, your Body Transformation Coach India.

I help Indian Men and Women to achieve their best physical shape in the shortest possible time with the help of my program AnExtraRep 12 Weeks Body Transformation Program.

This program is customized to give you the body you desire in 12 Weeks

Read More About Me

indian transformation

What is Body Transformation India

Transformation is the process of losing body fat and gaining muscle mass. We start with a transformation diet and transformation exercise plan. A successful transformation requires the expertise of your transformation coach as well your determination to continuously keep working towards your goals

Body transformation India – Abhishek Got ready for Nationals

Body transformation India is the success story of Abhishek. Abhishek is a real estate consultant and Gym manager. He wanted to become a bodybuilding champion. With AnExtrarep Body Transformation program Abhishek won the title Mr. Asia Men’s physique.

Read more on his body transformation India Story.

body transformation program

Body Transformation Online – Mahesh became Fitness Model

Mahesh is an engineer and an entrepreneur. He wanted to become a fitness model. He joined AnExtraRep body transformation program. In just 9 weeks he got ripped with abs. Mahesh continued for another year to achieve his dream physique.

Read more about his transformation

body transformation program near me

Fat to fit transformation India – Rajul Got Selected In Auditions

Rajul is an MBA from MDI Gurgaon. Rajul wanted to become an actor. “I once appeared in an audition but I got rejected just because I was fat”. Rajul took this seriously and decided to transform himself. Rajul lost a whopping 30 kg in the next 6 months.

Read more on Rajul’s fat to fit transformation India story

fat to fit transformation

Fat to fit transformation India – Dr. Vijay got lean at the age of 48

Dr. Vijay’s fat to fit transformation India was a challenging task to accomplish considering he was 45 plus. We took it as a challenge and made him believe that it is possible to transform at this age. Vijay showed remarkable progress due to his hard work and discipline. Dr. Vijay dropped over 18% body fat in 3 months to achieve a complete male body transformation.

fat to fit transformation

Online Body Transformation – Venky lost fat permanently

Venky is a software engineer from Bangalore. Venky has been a fitness enthusiast for a very long time. Despite various diets and exercise, Venky was never able to achieve permanent fat loss. Venky joined AnExtraRep online body transformation program. In just 3 months Venky lost over 18 kgs and achieved a great shape.

Fat to fit transformation male

Fat to Fit India – Rohit Got Ripped

Indian fat to fit transformation is yet another successful transformation case study of Rohit. Rohit is an official in Indian Railways. Rohit has always been a hard worker and big time fitness freak. Before coming to us he was already following diets and working and putting in a lot of effort in the gym. But the results were not what he wanted. We put him on the AnExtraRep Body Transformation Program and results were outstanding!

fat to fit transformation india

Body transformation male India – Yash got Shredded

Body transformation male India is the story or Yash. Yash is an engineer, a Game Tester by profession. Yash has been lifting weights for some time. He was already lifting decent amount of weights. However, his workouts were long and tiring and he lacked knowledge of Body Transformation Nutrition. His hard work and dedication was not visible on his physique. We put Yash on AnExtraRep Body transformation program. Yash got immediate results and made amazing progress in just a few months.

body transformation online

Body transformation program in India

AnExtraRep 12 week body transformation program in India is created specifically for Indian body transformation. 

Body transformation program contains the following

  1. Body transformation diet
  2. Body transformation workouts
  3. Regular coaching and support by India’s best body transformation coach Aditya Shrivastava

Body Transformation Diet :

Body transformation diet is created specifically for fat loss and muscle gain. For details on body transformation diet read this post

Body transformation workouts :

Body transformation workouts are planned for maximum muscle gain and fat loss in the shortest possible time. These transformation plans are created for natural transformation. Read more on body transformation workouts.

How Can I Start My Transformation

Starting Body Transformation is very simple. All you need is to share your details like

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. WhatsApp contact number
  4. Your Goal

and Hit Let’s Do This! We will review your application and contact you with further details.

How Indian transformation is different

At AnExtraRep we have coached over 1000’s of Indian client. One of the biggest challenge that we have noticed with Indians is their lack of awareness towards fitness.

The second difficultly with Indians is the religious/cultural practices. A significant percent of Indians don’t eat non-veg. A great number of Indians have doubts about sports supplements and prefer to avoid them. While supplements are not necessary but if your diet lacks sufficient protein and nutrients, Transformation can be difficult.

We have developed a specialized Indian Body Transformation Program to help our Indian clients achieve their transformation within their dietary limitations. 

Fat to Fit transformation female India

Fat to fit transformation female India is a program created especially for Indian females. This is created keeping their fitness goals, hormonal challenges to fat loss, and lean body.

Is this an online transformation program?

Yes, Anextrarep body transformation program is a completely online transformation program.

This means follow it wherever you live. We customize the online transformation program according to your preferences. You can choose whether you workout at a gym or home.

You can even share the picture of equipment at your home and your online transformation program will be designed accordingly .if you prefer bodyweight workouts, no problem , we will plan your body transformation programs accordingly.

Start Your Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at

Body Transformation Faqs

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