
Body Transformation Program

What is a Body Transformation?

A body transformation program involves changing your body. Body transformation could mean different things for different people.
Body Transformation means changing the way your body looks. A successful Body Transformation program involves the following

    1. Losing Body Fat percentage.
    2. Gaining muscle mass.
    3. Improving body composition, to get visible Abs and Muscular physique.
    4. Gaining strength and stamina levels.
    5. Building a better body posture.
    6. Recovering from any chronic pain like back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain
    7. Improving your Body markers like BMI, Cholesterol levels, Blood Pressure

How Body transformation Plan Works

Body transformation plan works with you. We start with your goals first.

Your goal could be

  1. Losing body fat and getting abs
  2. Building strength and stamina
  3. Participating in Bodybuilding/Fitness modelling competitions
  4. Getting ready for your marriage or portfolio shoot.

Next, we analyze your daily routine. The amount of physical activity involved, your sleep routine, your work routine, your food preferences.

This helps us in finding the best nutrition and exercise strategy for maximum results. Your body transformation schedule is prepared accordingly.

Complete Body Analysis

Blood work

Your Blood work is your body's scorecard. With the help of proper blood tests, we identify if your body lacks key vitamins or minerals which hamper your ability to lose fat and build muscle. Blood tests also helps figure out any critical markers like cholesterol, liver, kidney, and thyroid functioning. It helps us identify your baseline testosterone and estrogen levels and improve them getting faster results.

Body type

Some people are naturally lean but hard-gainers; some on the other hand gain easily but find it extremely difficult to lose fat. This happens because every person has different metabolic rate. Analyzing your metabolic abilities will help me develop an effective schedule.

Strength and Cardiovascular abilities

How strong your body and heart is- will decide the level of training we can plan for you. This is going to impact the overall transformation as well as how fast you can see the results in terms of the right posture, right looks and a healthy disease free body you desire.

Food preferences

Body transformation will be fun for you if the diet has all the foods you love. Whether you are a vegetarian a non-vegetarian or an eggetarian, we will make sure you not only enjoy this transformation journey, your workout but your diet plan as well.

Life style and your fitness goals

Depending upon your lifestyle, your expectations and your time availability, we decide a flexible workout plan: the intensity, flexibility and frequency. Whether you are available for three days a week or seven days, the intensity and discipline of the plan will ensure that you meet your goals.

Start 12 Week Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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Body Transformation Male Abhishek prepared for Nationals & Men’s Physique

body transformation program

Body Transformation Diet

Diet Schedule

On the basis of your body analysis and your fitness goals, a complete nutrition plan would be provided. This would include customized body transformation diet.

Supplemental Schedule

Complete supplemental plan would be provided as per your goals and your body requirement.

Body Transformation Workout Plan

Body transformation training schedule: A Customised training schedule will be provided to match your fitness goals and help you create the physique you want. Workout plans would be as per the changes in your body.

Body transformation skinny to muscular Mahesh Got Into Fitness Modelling

body transformation program near me

Start Your Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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Body Transformation Men Shahbaaz got the body he always wanted

3 months body transformation plan at home

body transformation skinny to muscular is the Story of Mahesh. Mahesh had a skinny physique. He has been lifting weights for a long time but not able to get a lean and muscular physique. When he joined AnExtraRep’s body transformation program. He started losing fat and building muscle. Watch his skinny to muscular transformation!

Bodybuilding transformation – Yash Got into the best shape of his life

body transformation program
body transformation program

How Can I Join Body Transformation Course

Joining Body transformation course is very simple. All you need is to share your details like

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. WhatsApp contact number
  4. Your Goal

and Hit Let’s Do This! We will review your application and contact you with further details.

Start Body Transformation Online

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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12 week body transformation

12 week body transformation

Randhir is a fitness professional himself. He has been trying to get into shape for the last few years however was struggling to get into top shape. We put him in anextrarep’s body transformation program. Within 12 weeks he dropped over 14% body fat and got into the best shape of his life.

Body transformation 3 months

Body transformation 3 months

Body transformation 3 months is the journey of Neeraj. Neeraj owns a gym and is a long time fitness enthusiast. 

However, despite hard work he was not able to get in the best shape. His challenge was his diet. We put him in fast track AnExtraRep body transformation 3 months program. In this program is gained muscle mass and strength. He also lost a significant amount of body fat. 

His photos reflect his hard work and discipline!

3 month body transformation

Body transformation 6 months

Body Transformation female

While taking body transformation female clients, we take care of some important factors. Female’s usually get lean with abs at 15-20% body fat range. Getting down too low in fat % can affect their hormones and menstrual cycle.

A lot of females still avoid weight training. As they believe it may make them bulky. This is not possible though because they don’t have that level of testosterone hormones. With a well planned body transformation female program, you can achieve a great shape and feel empowered, strong and confident!

Body transformation fat to fit

body transformation fat to fit is the transformation of Shrey. Shrey joined Anextrarep body transformation program at a body of 128 kg and over 40% body fat. With hard work, discipline and tranformation diet, he lost over 40 kgs and 25% body fat and achieved a fit and muscular body.

online transformation program

Is it possible to transform your Body with 12 Weeks Transformation Plan?

Yes, it is possible to transform your body with 12 Weeks Transformation Plans.
With Body transformation plans, you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.
With Anextrarep Body Transformation plan you can lose around .5 to 1% body fat every week.
If you are starting at 20-25% body fat range. This is the most common body fat percentage in men. You would certainly get lean muscle and abs with the 12 Weeks Transformation Plans.


I live in India, do you provide Indian body transformation as well?

Yes, we do. A lot of our clients are from India. You can check body transformation male India results on our page. Some of our clients are past champions in various bodybuilding, fitness modelling competitions. You can check the best body transformation India videos above. Body transformation process is the same irrespective of the country. However, a major difference comes when coaching clients in India. Indian clients have specific nutritional requirements due to religious/cultural reasons. Most of the Indians don’t eat non-veg/ eggs on certain days of the week. Those who do eat non-veg rely heavily on Chicken and eggs as seafood and other high protein food items are not easily available in many states in India. For this reason, we have to modify the transformation program specifically for Indian clients But the results are outstanding as you can see from so many fat to fit transformations. We offer a separate Program for our Indian Clients. You can check the Indian Transformation Program here. Indian Transformation

What are the Different body transformation programmes you have?

We customise body transformation program according to the client’s goals.
There are different body transformation programmes like:

Body transformation 1 month or 30 day body transformation:-

This is a rapid transformation plan. 1 month body transformation plan is designed for new clients who want to get a first-hand experience of body transformation before committing for full 3 months or 6 months. 1 month body transformation plan is also used by people who are looking for aggressive weight loss for certain occasions like marriage, photo shoot etc

3 months body transformation plan or 12 week body transformation:-

3 months body transformation plan or 12 Weeks Body Transformation is the most comprehensive online transformation plan. This is most suited for working people, students, and common people who want to transform their body to get a lean physique with visible abs.

6 month body transformation program:-

6 month body transformation program is for competitive athletes. People who want to participate in bodybuilding championships, or fitness modelling competitions. In 6 month body transformation program we plan for the season and prepare phase by phase for best performance in his/her competition.

Body Transformation 1 Year:-

Body transformation 1 year is AnExtraRep’s signature body transformation program. This program is created specifically for athletes who are preparing for bodybuilding competitions or fitness modeling. Below is the transformation success of our Body Transformation 1 year student Abhishek.

12 week body transformation program

Start Your Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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What is special about AnExtraRep Online Body Transformation program?

We started online Body Transformation in 2013 when online body transformation was hardly known. People would have a very common question like, where is your gym? Where will you train me? Online transformation was a new concept.

But we knew that times are changing and online body transformation is going to be a massive thing in the future. AnExtraRep 12 Weeks Body Transformation, is one of the first and the most advanced and researched body transformation program.

Is body transformation workout different from Regular Workouts

Body transformation workouts are designed with a goal of losing fat and building muscles at the same time. This is not an easy task. It requires proper planning of workout intensity, frequency and volume. It also requires proper progression and overload of your workouts. This means your workouts are always challenging. So you keep on improving strength and putting on muscle mass.

For maximum fat loss, High intensity training is given preference. It is scientifically proven that Hiit burn fat faster than regular cardio exercises. Body transformation workout are prepared keeping in mind both the facts.

Body transformation gym vs home transformation

One frequent question I receive is whether it is possible to transform the body at home. Let’s first understand the difference between gym workouts and home workouts.

Body Transformation gym:

  1. Full range of equipment. This includes machines, free weights, cardio equipment.
  2. A Large space to exercise.
  3. Meet your friends and are exercising with a like-minded focused group. There is a certain level of motivation working out in the gym.

Home transformation can be of many types:

  1. You have a full-fledged home gym setup. It might not look like your nearby gym, but it still has all the necessary equipment you need.
  2. You have a bare minimum set of equipment like dumbbells and barbells or a resistance band.
  3. You are doing bodyweight workouts only

If you are looking to build a professional body, you should join a gym. A well-built home gym can go a long way, but you may still want to hit the gym once in a while to break the monotony.

 You can build a lean muscular physique at home with minimum gym equipment with a transformation diet. 

A complete bodyweight workout is a compromise for most lifters. It is suggested only if you are a beginner or want to be just fit. To gain a significant amount of muscle, we need to overload our muscles. With bodyweight workouts, this is not possible. 

How long does it take to transform your body

While body transformation may mean different things to different individuals, someone might want to participate in the championship, someone may want to get ready for a wedding or a photoshoot and some others may want to lose weight.

But if the body transformation program is followed properly you may see significant changes in your body in 8 to 12 weeks.

Is this an online transformation program?

Yes, Anextrarep body transformation program is a completely online transformation program.

This means follow it wherever you live. We customize the online transformation program according to your preferences. You can choose whether you workout at a gym or home.

You can even share the picture of equipment at your home and your online transformation program will be designed accordingly .if you prefer bodyweight workouts, no problem , we will plan your body transformation programs accordingly.


Can you transform your body in 4 weeks?

Depends on your definition of transformation . Yes you can lose good amount of weight in 4 weeks with proper diet and exercise but getting lean with muscle size is a slow process. If you have never exercised before you can see faster results. For most people, it usually takes longer than 4 weeks to transformation their body.

Which exercise is best for body transformation?

Body transformation is about building muscle mass and losing body fat. Compound exercises are best for building muscle mass. Aerobic exercises and high intensity exercises helps in losing body fat.

Best exercises for body transformation

  1. Squats
  2. Dead lift
  3. Bench Press
  4. Pull Ups
  5. Push ups
  6. Jumping Jacks
  7. Skipping
  8. High Knees
  9. Mountain Climbers
  10. Burpees

Is it OK to do the same workout every day?

No, it is not recommended to do same workouts everyday. As we do same workouts, our body becomes efficient in those exercises. As the workout is not challenging any more, it will not push our body to build muscle or lose fat.

To include variety, you do split workouts like push pull, upper body/lower body etc. You can also very exercises, sets, reps and weights to make the workouts challenging and engaging.

Do body transformation challenge work?

Do the body transformation challenge work? This is an interesting question. It is not easy to answer it with a yes or no.

How body transformation challenge works

Challenges require you to

  1. Follow a strict diet. This could be a well planned diet or a fad diet or simply some of the low carb or low fat type of diet.
  2. Follow a strict workout routine. Here you are required to workout everyday. It could be a workout in the gym or a lot of body weight or cardio/hiit based workouts at home
  3. Follow a strict routine and be committed for the next 30 days.

You need to ask yourself, are you ready to change your lifestyle upside down for the next 30 days? If yes than you will definitely get good results. But if you are a slow starter or someone who takes time to adjust you may not see the value in 30 days challenges and may give up within 2-3 days.

What happens when you start exercising every day?

Miracles happen! Seriously though, when you start exercising every day

  1. Metabolism levels improve
  2. Mood levels improve
  3. Energy levels get better
  4. You burn more fat
  5. Build more muscle
  6. Build a great habit
  7. Become more confident

Does exercise change your body shape?

Exercise cannot change your genetic shape or the shape of your muscles. Exercise helps you in losing body fat, it also helps in increasing the size of muscles. With this you look more muscular and lean at the same time. A well planned transformation program can change your appearance dramatically.

How do I start working out again after years?

Planning to start working out again after years? It can be challenging and intimidating. Expectations can be higher, results can be slow.

What you need is proper planning.

  1. Analyse you situation. How much time you have, what is your current shape.
  2. Start slow. You may have been in terrific shape in the past, but it is always good to start slow. Start with a 3 days a week workout and let your body adapt. Go easy on your diet and make small changes
  3. Set expectations low. Especially in the beginning. You are starting out after years which is big achievement in itself. Give your body time to respond.
  4. Connect with friends or your partner or with people with similar goals. It helps to stay motivated towards exercise
  5. Find a professional coach if you are struggling to do it yourself.

What are the best Body transformation exercises?

Body transformation exercises are of different types. You have the compound exercises like squats, Deadlift, bench press, military press. These exercises help you build raw size and power. Then you have the isolation exercises, which hit different muscle group to give you more defined look. You also have other body transformation exercises like cardiovascular and hiit, which helps you burn fat and get lean shape.

Can you Share some Body Transformation Male Tips?

Can you Share some Body Transformation Quotes?

Yes, Here is the complete list of Body Transformation Quotes.

Body Transformation Quotes

Can you Share some Body Transformation Books?

Yes, Here is the complete list of Body Transformation Books.

Body Transformation Books

Your Body Transformation Questions

Our body transformation program is on our mobile app. However, there is also an option to download body transformation program pdf files.

Full body transformation program are generally 3 months long. However, they can be longer or shorter depending upon your current fitness level and goals

Looking for a body transformation program near me? Check the program offerings, pricing, coach experience and previous clients reviews

Yes we do offer a 3 months body transformation plan at home. Your plan can be customized according to equipment and space you have at your home.

This isn’t just about hitting the gym hard. It’s about dialing in your nutrition to fuel your workouts and optimize your body’s composition. It’s about making smart choices every day that support your goals and keep you on track.

Time is based on your starting point, your goals, and how consistent you are with your efforts.
For some, significant changes can be seen in as little as 12 weeks, especially if you’re starting from a point where there’s a lot of room for improvement in your diet and exercise habits.

However, for more dramatic transformations or for those starting with more significant challenges, it might take several months or even a year or more to achieve the desired results.

Absolutely! With the right mindset, a solid plan, and unwavering dedication, you can achieve remarkable changes in a relatively short amount of time. Get in touch with us using the contact form.

With our program designed specifically for females, you’ll get everything you need to succeed. From targeted workouts that sculpt and tone to nutrition guidance that fuels your body right, we’ve got you covered. Join us on this journey and become your strongest, most confident self in just 12 weeks!

A 12-week transformation that will leave you feeling strong, confident, and empowered! My program is designed just for you, with challenging workouts, delicious and nutritious meal plans, and the support you need to stay motivated every step of the way. Let’s work together to transform your body and your life in just 12 weeks!

Start Your Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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