
1 Month Body Transformation Program

Ultimate Body Transformation Program 4 Weeks
₹15, 000


What makes a good Transformation Program?

  1. Healthy Foods.
  2. Balanced Calories as per your body.
  3. The Appropriate amount of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats for Maximum Fat Loss.
  4. Foods as per your preferences.
  5. Meals as per your work/life schedule.
  6. Workout to match the diet.
  7. Guidance at every single step.
  8. Education that makes you understand your body and become independent.
  9. Above all- RESULTS.

This is what Ultimate Transformation Program is.


People join this program for two reasons, either they want to gain muscle mass or they want to get lean.

Your results would depend on a lot of factors like your personal commitment, age, years of experience, current body shape etc.

But you can easily expect 2-8% body fat drop or 2-5 kg muscle gain in this program.

It takes about 4 to 5 days for your body to respond to the new diet. You can start seeing results after 1st week.

The diet plan is balanced in terms of carbohydrates, proteins & fats. You don’t need supplements to succeed. However if you are not able to manage optimum amount of protein through diet then you may need to take supplements.

This is not a crash course. This is not a Zero Carb/Zero Fat/ Zero Protein/ or some random banana diet. This is not a 1 hour of weight training followed by 1 hour of cardio workout program. This is based on sports nutrition and strength training principles. Your diet is optimally balanced in terms of Macronutrients and Micronutrients & workouts in terms of volume, intensity, frequency, and periodization.

How to get the best results

Still Confused?

If you still have a question that you want me to answer personally then e-mail me at aditya@anextrarep.com

I’ll be happy to answer your queries.

Start Your Transformation

Let’s talk about you? If you’re struggling to own a body you always wanted for yourself, let’s discuss.

Whatsapp me at 9810253585 or email me at aditya@anextrarep.com

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