
Body Transformation Online – The Basics

body transformation online

Body transformation online is a process of changing your body composition with the help of an online body transformation coach. 

You can expect several things during an online body transformation program

    1. Body Fat Loss You can expect to lose 5 to 15% body fat in 3 to 6 months
    2. Gaining Muscle mass – You can expect 3 to 6 kg muscle mass in 3 to 6 months
    3. Improving Posture 
    4. Improving your strength – You can expect a minimum of 10-30% increase in all your lifts
    5. Improved Blood Markers – You will see a major improvements in your blood markers

Who should do body transformation online

Any person who is willing to lose fat, build muscle and get in shape can opt for online body transformation. Body transformation online is best suited for people who 

    1. Have a basic understanding of gym exercises.
    2. Basic understanding of technology and mobile apps
    3. Willing to learn and put in the effort

The best part with online body transformation is that you can get access to world class coaches. Before online transformation it was difficult for people living in smaller cities to get quality coaching.

Why you should not do an online body transformation

There are several benefits of online body transformation. However, you should not do an online body transformation if you have never exercised before.

It’s difficult to learn the proper form and technique of exercises on video calls. If you have zero experience of exercise, it might be a good idea to connect with a local gym trainer who can support you during workouts.

Your body transformation coach can create a plan for you and instruct your trainer on how to guide you with exercises.

How long does it take to do the online body transformation

Complete online body transformation depends on several factors

    1. Your starting point – What is your current weight or body fat %
    2. Your goal – End weight goal or body fat%
    3. Your level of commitment

If you are dedicated and willing to work hard, at AnExtraRep body transformation we target .5 to .7 kg body fat loss per week. This makes it 1.5 to 2% body fat drop per month. This rate of fat loss is scientifically proven for fat loss and muscle gain.

For example, If you are starting at 18% body fat, you can lose up to 8% body fat in 4 months and get Abs.

How to do a body transformation online

Connect with your coach

The first step is to connect with your coach.

You can reach out to us via this contact form and we will guide you with the process.

Kickstart call

Your coach will have an orientation call with you. This call will discuss all relevant factors like your weight, body fat %, medical history, food preference, lifestyle, routine, commitment level, body goals.

Your coach will then be able to tell you how much time and effort it will take to achieve your goals.

Transformation plans App Setup

Once we agree, the coach will configure your plans on the mobile app. You will videos on how to use the mobile app, how to make the best use of your plans. If you have any questions regarding your plan, or want any changes you can connect with your coach.

Weekly Coaching Calls & Goal Setting

Your coach will schedule a weekly coaching call with you. The agenda is to discuss the progress during the week, any challenges faced and goal setting for the next week.

This weekly review process keeps things fast track and you stay motivated towards your goals.

Extensive Support

You can reach out to your coach via whatsapp, email, mobile app chat to discuss your questions. If there is some question that requires detailed discussion, you can schedule a call with your coach.

Benefits of online transformation

One of the biggest advantages of online transformation is access to world class coaching. You may not be able to get access to the best coaches in the country at your gym. But it’s possible with online transformation.

The second big advantage is price. Online transformation plans are usually cheaper than personal training.

The third advantage is that with online training you get exercise, nutrition, supplementation and performance coaching. All at one price.

Your personal trainer will give you only gym training. Most personal trainers are not qualified to offer nutritional advice.

Join the online body transformation program

If you are willing to get the body you want, let’s get on a call and discuss your goals!

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