
Powerful Biceps Workout Chart for Size & Definition

biceps workout chart

Before I share a biceps workout chart, I want you to have a basic knowledge of biceps muscle anatomy.

This is important, because it will help you understand the functioning of muscle and train it in a better way.

The biceps muscle is also known as the biceps brachii. It’s a two headed muscle, the long head and the short head.

The long head is also known as outer biceps, it originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula.

The short head, also known as the inner biceps, originates from the coracoid process of the scapula.

Both long head and short head join in the middle to form a single muscle belly and insert in the forearm bone.

How to Train the Biceps Effectively

To train the biceps effectively we have to

  1. Train the biceps muscle. While training the biceps brachii, we can focus on both long head and short to have full biceps development
  2. Train the Brachialis muscle. This muscle lies between the biceps and triceps. It gives your bicep 3D look
  3. Train Full Range of Motion: We have to use separate exercises for lower, middle and upper range of biceps for full development.

Biceps Training Mistakes

You are training hard to get bigger biceps. But there can be certain mistakes that will stop you from gaining the size and full development

  1. Training Frequency: Training your arms once a week can be too low. Training them everyday is too much. Ideally you should train biceps 2-3 times per week.
  2. Training Volume: One exercise for biceps is less, 4-5 can be too much. Ideally you should have 2-3 biceps exercises per workout.
  3. Training Intensity : Weight selection is important. You want to lift at 60-80% of your 1RM. There is a place for heavier or lighter loads. But, bulk of your workout should be at 60-80%
  4. Training Progression: You should be progressing in your workouts. Either lifting heavier weights or doing more reps at the same weight. If you are not progressing, you are not growing

Best Biceps Exercises

There are literally thousands of biceps exercises, these exercises hit the biceps muscle from different angles, range of motion, and different muscle heads.

I am sharing the best biceps exercises that are scientifically proven to give you maximum results.

  • Cross-body hammer curls
  • Regular hammer curls
  • Reverse grip barbell or EZ bar curl
  • Best Exercises for Biceps Brachii
  • Barbell Curl
  • Drag Curl
  • Cable Curl
  • Dumbbell Curls
  • Concentration Curl
  • Cable Curl
  • Chin Up
  • Barbell Curl
  • EZ Curl
  • Incline Curl
  • Preacher Curl

Biceps workout chart step by step

Here is a step by step process for the biceps workout chart.

First step is to start your biceps workout with an isolation exercise. This helps you increase the blood flow in the muscles, pump them up and get them ready for workout. If you are training your biceps after Back muscles, they are already pumped, and you can skip this step.

Second Step is to select a power movement. The goal is to lift heavy weights with moderate reps. Exercises like Barbell curl, dumbbell curl can be used here. You can use 1-2 exercises with 3-4 sets and 6-8 reps per set.

Third Step is optional. But if you want to give maximum damage to the biceps muscle, you can select one of the isolation biceps exercises and use advanced training techniques like Drop set, Rest Pause, Pyramid training or Reverse Pyramid training. 

Best Biceps Workout Charts

I am sharing example biceps workout charts. These workout charts have been tested by several of my clients and give significant biceps growth in 4-6 weeks.

Choose any one and give it a try.


Biceps Workout Chart A

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curl 4 8-12
Cable Curl 4 8-12
Reverse Grip Barbell Curl 4 8-12

Biceps Workout Chart B

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Curls 4 8-12
Concentration Curl 4 8-12
Incline Curl 4 8-12

Biceps Workout Chart C

Exercise Sets Reps
Drag Curl 4 8-12
EZ Curl 4 8-12
Preacher Curl 4 8-12

Biceps Workout Chart D

Exercise Sets Reps
Cross-body Hammer Curls 4 8-12
Regular Hammer Curls 4 8-12
Chin Up 4 8-12

Biceps workout chart at home

If you are working out at home you can do a biceps workout with dumbbells. Below are example biceps workouts at home. You can choose any one and do it.

Biceps workout chart at home A

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12
Hammer Curl 4 8-12
Concentration Curl 4 8-12
Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12

Biceps workout chart at home B

Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Alternate Hammer Curl 4 8-12
Cross-body Hammer Curl 4 8-12
Seated Bent-Over Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curl 4 8-12

Biceps workout chart with Dumbbells

Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Preacher Curl 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Drag Curl 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12

Biceps workout chart with Dumbbells

Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl 4 8-12
Seated Incline Hammer Curl 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12
Standing Dumbbell Curl 4 8-12

Arnold biceps workout chart

There are a few things about Arnold’s workout chart. They are usually high volume and high intensity.

Here is an Arnold biceps workout chart. This workout chart is observed from his book.

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curl 4 8-12
Dumbbell Alternate Curl 4 8-12
Concentration Curl 4 8-12
Preacher Curl 4 8-12
Hammer Curl 4 8-12

Biceps Workout Chart Summary

Training biceps is fun and challenging. To get the maximum growth in biceps muscle you have to train them with the right strategy, exercises, intensity and frequency. I have shared a comprehensive list of biceps workout charts. Use them and let your biceps grow!

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