
Body Recomposition Workout Plan

The importance of solid workout plan for body recomposition

Your body recomposition workout plan is an important pillar of the body recomposition program.

The goal of the workout plan is to increase muscle mass, strength, stamina and energy levels. Leading to an overall change in body composition. 

Your recomposition workout plan is created to match your body recomposition diet and lifestyle. 

Components on an ideal body recomposition workout plan

When planning your body recomposition workout plan, you have to keep few things in mind:

    1. You have to do Compound exercises for mass and strength.
    2. You have to add Accessory exercises to train the muscle from all possible angles and bring variety to training.
    3. You have to give sufficient workout volume for each muscle growth. So that you have symmetrical development.
    4. You have to train at appropriate intensity levels, the workout should not be too easy or too difficult, but challenging.

Full body recomposition workout plan

Here is a 4 days body recomposition workout plan.

Body recomposition workout plan A

Day Muscle Group Exercise Sets Reps
Day 1 (Monday) Chest and Triceps Bench Press 4 8-12
    Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8-12
    Chest Flyes 3 8-12
    Tricep Dips 3 8-12
    Tricep Pushdowns 3 8-12
    Overhead Tricep Extension 3 8-12
Day 2 (Tuesday) Back and Biceps Deadlifts 4 8-12
    Pull-Ups 3 8-12
    Bent Over Rows 3 8-12
    Lat Pulldowns 3 8-12
    Barbell Bicep Curls 3 8-12
    Hammer Curls 3 8-12
Day 3 Off        
Day 4 (Thursday) Shoulders and Abs Shoulder Press 4 8-12
    Lateral Raises 3 8-12
    Front Raises 3 8-12
    Rear Delt Flyes 3 8-12
    Plank 3 30-60s
    Russian Twists 3 15-20/side
Day 5 (Friday) Legs Squats 4 8-12
    Lunges 3 8-12/leg
    Leg Press 3 8-12
    Leg Extensions 3 8-12
    Calf Raises 3 8-12
Day 6 Off        
Day 7 Off        

Next is a 5 days body recomposition workout plan

Body recomposition workout plan B


Day Muscle Group Exercise Sets Reps
Day 1 Chest Bench Press 4 8-12
    Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8-12
    Chest Flyes 3 10-12
    Push-Ups 3 failure
    Cable Crossovers 3 10-12
Day 2 Back Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns 4 8-12
    Bent Over Rows 3 8-12
    Seated Cable Rows 3 8-12
    Deadlifts 3 8-12
    Hyperextensions 3 10-12
Day 3 Shoulders Shoulder Press 4 8-12
    Lateral Raises 3 8-12
    Front Raises 3 8-12
    Rear Delt Flyes 3 10-12
    Shrugs 3 10-12
Day 4 Off      
Day 5 Legs Squats 4 8-12
    Lunges 3 8-12/leg
    Leg Press 3 8-12
    Leg Curls 3 8-12
    Glute Bridges 3 10-12
    Calf Raises 4 10-15
Day 6 Arms Barbell Biceps Curls 4 8-12
    Triceps Dips 3 8-12
    Hammer Curls 3 8-12
    Triceps Extensions 3 8-12
    Preacher Curls 3 8-12
    Skull Crushers 3 8-12
    Calf Raises 3 8-12
Day 7 Off        

Body recomposition workout plan Female

Here is a full body recomposition workout plan for females.

Day Muscle Group Exercise Sets Reps
Day 1 Legs Squats 4 8-12
    Lunges 3 10-12/leg
    Leg Press 3 8-12
    Romanian Deadlifts 3 8-12
    Calf Raises 4 10-15
Day 2 Back Pull-Ups or Assisted Pull-Ups 4 8-12
    Bent Over Rows 3 8-12
    Seated Cable Rows 3 8-12
    Lat Pulldowns 3 8-12
    Hyperextensions 3 10-12
Day 3 Legs and Glutes Deadlifts 4 8-12
    Bulgarian Split Squats 3 8-12/leg
    Hip Thrusts 3 8-12
    Leg Extensions 3 8-12
    Glute Bridge 3 10-12
Day 4 Upper Body and Core Push-Ups 3 failure
    Shoulder Press 3 8-12
    Lateral Raises 3 8-12
    Plank 3 30-60s
    Russian Twists 3 12-15/side
Day 5 Full Body Squats 4 8-12
    Pull-Ups or Assisted Pull-Ups 4 8-12
    Shoulder Press 3 8-12
    Leg Press 3 8-12
    Plank 3 30-60s

Body recomposition workout tips

Body recomposition workout tips to gain muscles and lose body fat:

    1. Keep your workout short and intense. Shorter workouts allow you to be more focused and push the muscles harder.
    2. Make sure you are progressing in your workouts. With every workout try to Lift heavier weights, or try to do more reps, or try to reduce the rest period between sets.
    3. Make sure you are lifting weights at 60 to 80% of 1RM. This weight allows you to lift heavy enough to stimulate muscle growth. At the same time you get enough room to do a moderate number of reps, 8 to 10. This makes for an ideal workout volume.
    4. Train at 7 to 8 RPE. RPE or ratings of perceived exertion. RPE defines how difficult that particular workout was. RPE is different from 1RM. Your 1Rm does not change with every workout. However, every workout you might be having different levels of energy. RPE instructs you on how hard you need to push in a given workout.

Body recomposition workout mistakes

Here are some common body recomposition workout mistakes:

    1. Improper form and technique – take time to learn the posture and technique for each exercise.
    2. Lifting too fast – you need to be careful of your lifting tempo. Give sufficient time to each reps, this allows you to hit the muscle hard
    3. Lifting too heavy – lifting too heavy will include multiple muscle groups in a workout and you would not be able to focus on the particular muscle group 
    4. Lifting too light – if the weights are too light then you might not stimulate enough muscle growth

Body recomposition workout summary

Your workout plan is an important part of the overall recomposition strategy. A well optimized workout plan will help you lose body fat, gain muscle mass and strength and keep you energized. 

Start with workout plans I have shared and you can keep tweaking the workout along your body recomposition journey!

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