
The Roti myth amongst Indian Trainers!

\”Bro! I am going on a cut and I am going to stop eating Rotis!\”

So, I was in Gurgaon some time back, in a gym and this trainer who is also a regular bodybuilder told me,

Trainer: Bro, I have started to cut my food, for the coming season.

Me: Good! What changes have you made?

Trainer: Bro, I\’ve completely stopped eating Roti! I\’m going to include only rice in my daily intake.

Me: Aha!!

I didn\’t take notice it back then. A few weeks later, I was in Goa, working out when this trainer who is also an old friend of mine.

Trainer: Bro, I am getting married this year.

Me: Oh wow!! When are you getting married?

Trainer: By the end of this year. Bro! I want to be properly ripped before my marriage!

Me: Aha, Sure!!

Trainer: Bro!! I have stopped eating Rotis.

Me: (Alerted this time) Why Roti? Why have you stopped Roti??

Trainer: It is necessary to cut.

Me: Okay, Are you doing Keto?

Trainer: No No, I am taking rice.

Me: I don\’t understand, how is rice better than roti?

Trainer: You wait and watch bro, you will see the difference!!

At this point, I didn\’t feel like probing any further.

First of all, I fail to understand the problem with Roti amongst Indian trainers. Also, these are not the only two isolated occasions. There have been many others like this!

So let\’s try to break down the whole Roti Vs Rice thing!

Roti is made up of wheat flour. 1 Roti contains approximately 20-30 gms of wheat flour, depending upon how much you take.

100 gms wheat flour contains approximately,

    • 340 Calories


    • 72 gms of carbs


    • 2 gms of fats


    • 13.7 gms of Protein


    12.2 gms of Dietary Fibre

It contains a notable amount of Vitamin A, K, Niacin and Folate. Moreover, it has a decent amount of Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Manganese and Selenium.

Now, let\’s look at 100 gms of Rice (Raw before cooking).

It has approximately,

    • 365 calories


    • 80 gms carbs


    • 7 gms of protein


    • .7 gms of fat


    1.3 gms of Dietary fibre

Rice contains some amount of Folate, Manganese, Selenium & Iron.

If I were to look at this logically,

Roti contains per 100 gms
25 calories less
8 gms fewer carbohydrates
6 gms extra protein
10-12 gms extra Fibre and a decent dose of vitamins and mineral, when in comparison with rice.

It does not make sense why I should eat rice and skip roti when preparing for a fat loss. Unless I don\’t like roti and prefer rice, which is a different case altogether.

Anyhow, if you want to know what makes difference and get ripped like a Boss, go here for my complete fat loss checklist.


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