Front Shoulder Workout: Secrets for Massive Shoulders

Are you struggling to get size and definition in your front shoulders? I am going to share the best front shoulder exercises and complete front shoulder workouts to help you get bigger and muscular shoulders.

Strong shoulders are the foundation for a powerful upper body. Neglecting shoulder training is a recipe for imbalances and injury. 

– Dr. John Rusin, Physical Therapist and Performance Specialist

The front deltoid muscle is one of the three heads in the deltoid muscle. the other heads are the lateral head and rear head.

Front delt muscle originates from the clavicle bone and inserts into the humerus bone. Primary function of the front delt is to raise the arm also known as shoulder flexion.

Front delt muscle is involved in pressing and raising movements like shoulder press, or front raises.

How to train the front shoulder muscle

Now we know that the primary function of the front delt is shoulder flexion and shoulder adduction.

Exercises that involves

    1. Pushing movements
    2. Movements on lifting the arm, and
    3. Movements on bringing the arm closer to the body

will target the front delt muscles.

Let’s discuss the best front shoulder exercises

8 best front shoulder workout

Front shoulder workout - Dumbbell shoulder Press

Dumbbell shoulder press is a power exercise. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced lifters. You can start with lightweight and go really heavy on this exercise.

If you are a beginner lifter, you have to be mindful about your form and make sure you don’t use any momentum while doing this exercise.

The dumbbell shoulder press works on the Front shoulder, Triceps and trapezius muscles.

Front shoulder workout - Dumbbell Front Raise

Dumbbell front raise is a classic exercise for muscularity, pump and separation. This exercise allows you to cheat and use momentum, but it is difficult to lift heavy weights on dumbbell front raises.

The dumbbell front raises replicates the shoulder flexion movement. The front or anterior delt is the primary muscle involved in the shoulder flexion.

Front shoulder workout - Barbell Front Raise

Barbell front raises is a relatively uncommon exercise. However, it is a powerful isolation exercise. The form is strict, and unless you are using momentum it is difficult to lift heavy weights or cheat in this exercise.

Barbell front raises work on the anterior of front shoulder muscles.

Front shoulder workout - Cable Front Raises

Cable front raises is an excellent exercise for front delt. Cable has certain advantages,


    1. It is beginner friendly, if you are new to the gym this is a good exercise to start with.

    1. Cable allows you to change the position on the bar, thus you can train your shoulder from several angles.

    1. Cable allows you to train with different handles and grips. thus you would be able to bring more variety in your training.

    1. Cable brings constant tension to the set, as you lift the weight up you will full contraction in the muscles.

Cable front raises also work on the front delt muscles

Front shoulder workout - Incline dumbbell front raises

Incline dumbbell front raise is an isolation move. This movement is similar to dumbbell front raises, the key difference is that you are sitting on a bench and there is no cheating. The movement is smooth and controlled. It is a total shoulder crushing workout.

Front Shoulder Workout - Upright Row

The upright rows are a compound movement. This is a favorite exercise of many classic bodybuilders. You can do this exercise with dumbbells, barbell or cable. This exercise allows you to lift heavy weights and it targets several key muscles.

Upright rows is a good shoulder exercise for front delts, lateral delts and trapezius muscles

Front shoulder workout - Landmine press

This exercise allows you to train several muscles around the shoulder girdle. It trains the front delts, traps, triceps and core muscles.

Landmine press is a compound movement. It allows you to lift heavy weights

Front shoulder workout - Pike Pushups

Pike push ups is a bodyweight shoulder exercise. You don’t need any equipment to do this exercise. This exercise works on the front deltoid, Triceps, Trapezius and core muscles.

Front shoulder workout with dumbbells

Below are tried and tested dumbbell workouts for the front shoulder.

Front shoulder workout with dumbbells Plan A

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10-12
Front Dumbbell Raise 3 10-12
Lateral-to-Front Raise 3 10-12
Arnold Press 3 10-12
Upright Row 3 10-12

Front shoulder workout with dumbbells Plan B

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 8-10
Front Dumbbell Raise 4 8-10
Arnold Press 4 8-10
Lateral Raise 4 8-10

Front shoulder workout with dumbbells Plan C

Sets Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 8-12
Front Dumbbell Raise 3 8-12
Lateral-to-Front Raise 3 8-12
Arnold Press 3  

Front shoulder workout for mass

For shoulder mass, you can include several exercise equipment like barbell, dumbbell and machines. You should try to lift heavy weights here. 

Here are front shoulder workout for mass. 

Front shoulder workout for mass plan A

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Shoulder Press 3-4 8-12
Arnold Press 3-4 8-12
Front Plate Raise 3-4 10-15

Front shoulder workout for mass plan B

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Front Raise 3-4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3-4 8-12
Cable Front Raise 3-4 10-15

Front shoulder workout for mass plan C

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Shoulder Press 3-4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3-4 8-12
Front Dumbbell Raise 3-4 10-15

Incorporating Rear Delt Exercises

The function of the rear delt muscle is shoulder extension and arm abduction. Rear delt muscles demand a separate article and here is the link to Best Rear Delt Exercises

Front shoulder workout Summary

The front delt is also known as anterior delt muscle. This muscle is heavily involved in pressing movements. Movements like shoulder flexion and arm adduction also target front shoulder muscles. I have shared the best exercises for front delt and full front shoulder workouts. Pick one and blast your shoulders!

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