Top 5 mistakes that keep even the smartest people from getting ripped.

Are you a smart guy?

I bet you are since you are reading this blog.

Do you have a strong physique?

I bet you are not since you are reading this blog!

So let me tell you 5 biggest reason why you are not ripped yet.

You are not regular to the gym:
Yes, that’s true! Forget the 6 weeks abs challenge or 28 days transformation. Real results require real efforts. If you are not regular for at least 6 months you cannot expect to be ripped.

You don’t track your diet: I bet you are eating healthy and a lot of protein shakes. But that’s not enough! You should know your daily calories, protein, carbs and fat.

You don’t track your workouts: How often do you notice when people start their fat loss journey and end up becoming a smaller version of themselves? They don’t get great body, they just lose a lot of weight. If your lifts are getting smaller, it simply means you are getting weaker and losing muscles.

You don’t have a system: Yes! Getting ripped is a science. You have to make your workout & nutrition work together. And you have to make adjustments from time to time to keep improving.

You hop around programs: Any program takes time to show results. You have to stick around to see the results and benefits.

What\’s next? How to fix these mistakes? If you\’re serious about your body goals and realize that you\’re making a few of those mistakes, your next best step is to fix them.

Feel like discussing? I\’m here. Hit reply and we get talking!

Aditya Shrivastava
Certified fitness and Body Building Coach

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